4 trends that will change the future of work

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The world is everchanging. The workplace ten years ago looked completely different in comparison to the one we experience today. Whereas it’s impossible to predict the future with utmost certainty, based on current trends we can expect the office of the future to be more employee-centric, flexible, and impacted by AI and automation. Would you like to know more? This article will present you with what forces will shape the future of work, and how they will impact you as an employee or an employer.

AI & Automation

HubSpot, Grammarly, Mailchimp, Google Assistant. We all are already using software and AI that make our jobs easier. According to McKinsey, AI and automation will have an impact on practically all professions, and as a result, almost every industry’s business practices will change. The Future of Employment Report predicts that by 2025, AI will replace 85 million jobs, and create 97 million additional vacancies. 

Rather than fear this change, more organizations and employees should start looking into how to embrace it. Technology has the ability to automate repetitive tasks, as well as accelerate the decision-making processes by providing reliable data at employees’ fingertips. Therefore, by leveraging AI and automation companies can increase their performance and allow employees to focus on more exciting tasks that require high-level thinking and creativity.

Employee Empowerment

Higher employee satisfaction and engagement equals higher performance, profits, and a lower risk of staff leaving. Knowing this, companies will increasingly prioritize employee experience. Future employers are expected to focus on their employee’s well-being and provide more flexibility and benefits. Non-hierarchical management, employee-defined working hours, learning and development opportunities, and encouraging healthy habits at work are likely to become the new normal.

To learn how to get ahead, continue reading about What benefits and allowances companies in the Netherlands should offer

Skill-based recruiting

The recruitment requirements will likely change as well. Many firms are replacing degree criteria with skill assessments. An American study found that only 11% of corporate executives strongly agreed that graduates from colleges and universities possess the necessary skills for an entry-level corporate job. Tesla has already implemented their strategies to find suitable candidates regardless of their education. Future employers will understand that a person’s skills are more important than the degree they hold or the titles they carry.

Read on how to make your skills shine in our article How to emphasise your transferable skills.


The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed the world of work forever. 38% hiring managers anticipate that their staff members will work primarily from home within the next 10 years. Due to the normalization of remote work, employees will be less limited geographically and have more jobs to choose from. Having that upper hand, the top employees will oftentimes select a position depending on the degree of work flexibility it provides. As a result, an increasing number of companies will offer flexible working options to attract top talent. With time, the workplace is also expected to be better adjusted to remote or hybrid working to anticipate talent’s needs.

Stay ahead by reading more about How to keep company culture alive when working remotely

Preparing for the future

The future presents many challenges as well as exciting opportunities.

As a job seeker, you can strengthen your soft and hard skills that are difficult to automate. Moreover, it’s essential for you to embrace the growth mindset of lifelong learning to keep up with the latest technological developments. Skills in newly developed software could land you a dream job. Strong creative and critical skills could make you irreplaceable.

As a company executive building the future of your workplace – remember to enhance your employee experience. Strengthen your organization by empowering employees with more benefits, flexibility, and a non-hierarchical structure that allows open communication. After all, you need top talent for top results, and you cannot attract them without keeping up with the market. 

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